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我們因為電視專訪深入漸凍人協會拍攝,透過鏡頭,被罕見病友不屈的意志與勇氣感動,由衷感謝漸凍人協會用不倒的熱情燃燒生命能量! 游祈盛(星澤國際有限公司董事長)、楊含容(星澤國際有限公司總經理)
Thank You to the family members who took up the responsibilities and commitments in caring and supporting the patient within their family through countless nights and days of hard efforts, so that the patient can live their life and to be with. Y’all made a big different. We express our deepest love, courage and gratitude to your dedicated management and co-workers, as well as the many committed volunteers. Together, your team continuously supports the MND patients of Taiwan and their families in many ways. |